Call for Papers
Notice: The deadline for submitting papers is extended to January 31, 2022.
The sixth Quantitative China Studies Seminar (QCSS-2022) will be held in person on April 29th, 2022 (EST), at the Wilf Family Department of Politics, New York University. We are now accepting paper submissions from scholars working on topics related to Chinese politics.
Since the seminar's first meeting in 2017, it has become an important platform for bringing together scholars from various disciplines to advance political science research that applies cutting-edge methodologies to the study of Chinese politics. This year, we continue welcoming papers that use quantitative empirical methods or formal modeling to study political economy, political behaviors, international politics, and other subfields of political science, using China as an empirical context.
To submit your paper, please email your manuscript to by 11:59 p.m. on January 31st, 2022 (EST). We only accept finished working papers. Unfinished work or an abstract will not be considered. Submitted papers should be written in English. The working language of our seminar is English. We will notify the authors of our decision by February 2022. We may invite authors to revise and resubmit their papers. At the seminar, accepted papers will receive further discussions from invited discussants.
The conference does not charge any registration fee. Due to budget constraints, we are not able to cover international travel expenses. For domestic travels within the US, we may reimburse part of the travel expenses, depending on our budget and the participant’s travel needs.
For more detailed information about the QCSS, please go to our website (or for information on QCSS1-4). We look forward to receiving your papers and seeing you at the seminar! For questions, feel free to contact us at
Organizing Committee of QCSS-2022